Τρίτη 14 Δεκεμβρίου 2010

-there, floating in the air!

driving long ways in an effort to change gear
with a sharp knife peeling off a pear
cutting off future from past with a shear
unsuccessfully attempting to disappear
to what i want nowhere near
facing stubbornly my greatest fear
letting time the wounds to sear
from everyone hiding the salty taste of tear
killing my thought-free time with a spear
with colourful paint the black walls trying to smear
my answers tending to blear
with what i care trying to be clear
overcoming days that seem to be drear
convincing myself to be a dear
to craziness closing my ear
grasping for breath throughout a flerting-with-insanity year

2 σχόλια:

πυροκλάνης είπε...

επάνου κεί που όργουνα μι το παλιό τζον ντίρ/ ετράκαρα μετωπικώς μεταλλικό μενιρ/ Οργιστηκα που χάλασι κι εφτασα στου ναδίρ/ Και στου κεφάλαιο φώναξα: Ρε άι σιχτίρ βαμπίρ!

Ανώνυμος είπε...
